Sunday, March 2, 2014

Marital Pledge taken from "The Adventure of Marriage" found below

I pledge to come to know myself and develop greater self-awareness by identifying my strengths and weaknesses. I pledge to focus my attention and efforts on overcoming my weaknesses and building upon my strengths. I commit myself to spend regular amounts of time and effort to search my soul and connect with God to teach me what I need to know about myself. I willingly and humbly receive this learning.
I pledge to invest myself in an ongoing, internal self-development process where I put in the necessary effort to overcome my weaknesses, which will allow me to become more whole, as an individual, and to become more ONE with my spouse and God.
I pledge to learn to love and accept myself without conditions, and to do the same for my spouse. I understand that unconditional love is the best environment in which I and my spouse can learn, grow and change.
I pledge to focus on my own weaknesses and my own contributions to our marital challenges rather than on my spouse's faults. As a creator of my life with God-given agency, I pledge to take full responsibility for my actions in any given situation.
I understand that marriage is about meeting each other's needs, even those needs that are difficult for me, or that require significant stretching on my part. I pledge to change myself in whatever ways are needed to be able to love my spouse and meet his/her needs in the way they need me to. I understand that by so doing I heal my own inadequacies and become more whole.
I understand that I have naturally attracted someone whose needs are well suited to require the inevitable growth I need to become whole. This understanding will help me to see our marital challenges as opportunities for growth rather than as proof that I've married the wrong person.
I pledge to remain attentive to the state of my heart and engage in those things that will help me maintain a softened heart, so that I will be able to continue to learn and grow throughout my life.
I understand that should I decide to end this marriage relationship that the demanding personal growth necessary in marriage will still be required in any future relationships.
"Happily ever after" in marriage is possible. It is within reach for all couples. Marriage holds within its embrace the highest bliss, the sweetest connectedness, the warmest touch, and the greatest peace. With a marital road map to identify the required mountain climbs, as well as some of the curves in the road, couples can be better prepared and better equipped for the refiner's fire we call marriage. It is through the refiner's fire that the yearning for intimate connection is ultimately fulfilled; for marriage truly holds the ultimate ecstasy and joy that life and eternity has to offer.

Note the last "I understand". 
Divorce never solves all your problems, it just changes them and may even add to them.

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