about me and this blog

I have been long concerned about the death of way too many marriages. I finally decided to get started on this project which is meant to help save those marriages on the way to their death and to help keep them from getting to that point.

I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and as such believe that marriage between and man and a woman is ordained of God and is meant not only for this life, but the life beyond this one.

Even if you don't believe in the eternal nature of marriage I hope the articles and quotes I post on this blog will help you consider the importance of one marriage not only in individual lives, but in society as well.

Many of the thoughts presented here will be based on the eternal nature of marriage, but no matter your feelings on that subject, if you want a marriage that lasts, you should benefit from this blog.

My goal with this site is to post things that will help others to “decide to love” their spouse, not just fall in and out of this thing called love.To help us want to be one with our spouse and not give up on them as we would never consider giving up on a child.

I feel I have some experience in this thing called marriage. I love my husband. We are in our 35th year of marriage. We were acquaintances for 3-4 months, were separated by 800 miles for about a month, reunited and engaged two days later, and married 6 weeks later. We have six children, six in-law children, and fifteen grandchildren. We are so blessed and so in love still. We have had our own business of one sort or another most of our married life. We are not rolling in the dough, but have enough. We have gone through so much life together. We lost everything we owned at one point in time, except a Honda civic and our meagerly furniture. We had all six of our children at the time. We looked like the clowns at the circus when we all piled in and out of our little Civic. Those were especially hard times.

If I had given in to the thoughts I had at times along the way such as, “this would be so much easier on my own” or “what was I thinking marrying someone I didn’t really even know” etc. I would have missed out on this truly joyful time of my life with the man who has become a part of me. Being without him would be like losing one of my arms or legs. I have learned take him with his perfections and imperfections as he has with me and life is good.